![]() Check out my latest radio interview wit my fellow classmate of Hamilton High School.
Discussing everything from taking over Memphis Comedy scene to what's next. https://soundcloud.com/theagendamemphis/comedian-ambrose-jones-on-the-agenda-with-christian-kirk?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=facebook I had a chance to do an interview with the local news station here in Memphis. WREG Channel 3 news.
Alex Thomas was one of the anchors. He told me that he had a friend that saw me perform in Columbia, Sc. He said that I was hilarious and he needs to get me on the show. Well here I am. Talking about my comedy career and Last Comic Standing Debut. www.twitter.com/ambrosejonesiii I had a chance to do an interview with Commercial Appeal. Talking about starting my comedy career right here in Memphis, Tn and my debut on Last Comic Standing Wednesday July 22, 2015..9/8c The guy that interviewed me was a big fan of comedy so that made the interview pressureless. If that's a word. He did an excellent job on this I couldn't have worded this better. Probably because I failed honors English. check it out.. http://www.commercialappeal.com/go-memphis/arts/stage-news/memphis-comedian-ambrose-jones-takes-stage-for-nbcs-last-comic-standing_22421803
Being single, celibate, and finding myself. Talking about getting started as a comedian, Last Comic Standing, and more. . my segment starts around the (6:50) mark. Check it out.
I made it to the 2nd round of Last Comic Standing at Gotham Comedy Club in New York. After my set the owner of Gotham ask if I wanted to record a show called Gotham Live. It aired on AXS TV January 22, 2015. Representing Memphis, TN. Check it out.